Another world is possible: ASC at the World Social Forum

WSF3The ASC, through its initiatives the African Solidarity Caravan and the Proudly African Campaign, participated in the 2015 World Social Forum in Tunisia. This participation took the form of hosting two critical discussion sessions on defining revolutionary Pan-Africanism in the 21st Century and assessing the role of youth in driving change in the post-2015 world.

Organic stories of mobilisation and organisation for change where shared in particular drawing lessons from the African Solidarity Caravan and youth movements in Myanmar. These sessions sought to deepen debates around youth, development and democracy, including Pan-Africanism and the Renaissance of Africa. New ways of forging and building sustainable partnerships and deepening people-to-people solidarity across the world were shared as well.

For more information on the African Solidarity Caravan you can visit the Proudly African website and more photos of the two sessions are available on the ASC and Proudly African Facebook pages.