Towards SADC people’s SUMMIT 


In heightening ASC’s levels of regional solidarity work, our representatives joined over 450 delegates drawn from labour, student, youth, economic justice and human rights networks and other social movements’ grassroots movements, community-based organizations, faith based organizations, women’s organizations; who gathered at the 2016 Southern African Development Community People’s Summit between the 17-19th of August 2016 in Manzini Swaziland.


The issues raised were on human rights abuses and limited democratic spaces and this were to be brought to the attention of the 36th Ordinary Summit of SADC Heads of States and Government that will would take place in the last week of August 2016 in Swaziland. The People’s Summit was concerned with the Rising and unprecedented levels of corruption in the region negatively impacting financing for development; The increasing challenges that farmers continue to face, land grabs, poor trade policies, weak tenure regimes as well as SADC member states’ failure to promote indigenous seeds and knowledge systems which resist climate change vagaries; and the shrinking space for public participation in key national and regional platforms, where our future and livelihoods are determined.


A Communique from the People’s Summit was to be officially presented to the Heads of States Summit and it would urge all member States strictly adhere to the promotion of human rights, good governance, the rule of law, as well as guaranteeing the safety and protection of Human Rights Defenders, as they carry out their legitimate duties in the region.